Friday, January 13, 2012

Legs & Co

Back in the 1970s, while nosey web [spider's webs] perves like myself were mere spiderlings, there existed a dance troop known as 'Legs & Co'.
Their main purpose being to fill the visual airtime during the play-out of the week's No1, in the days where there were few pop videos other than that weird one with Paul McCartney and his then wife, wandering along a beach with big bags and pipes! 'Milking a tyre', or summat I believe it was called!
Seems Legs and Co have somewhat of a renaissance of late.
Recent observations have proven some spiders can watch a fellow spider's mating dance, learn the best moves and then improve upon them when he gets his moment!
I so want to set this clip to 'Night Fever' by the Bee-Gees, but I'll refrain and just provide an innocent link!