Friday, December 19, 2008

He's gone! :(

The little fella in my bathroom has officially buggered off/died. Perhaps this is a signal to get my flat in order. I have webs to put Steve Jobs and Bill Gates to shame! Six days without the bog spider - I guess he's dead!
But that is a tiny animal that has lived there for two years. Pretty amazing animal. I've watched him for two years. Crazy little critters if you ask me. Some people (my sister included) just squish them! Eughhhhh!
If I had to live in a window and eat flies, I'd find a morgue window frame! I just feel sorry for the poor little buggers inhabiting windows at Woolies! Windolene ain't quite as tasty as a bluebottle for them.
Mind you, there'll be some beauties at the MFI warehouse off the M18 at Doncaster come April.
Big up the eight-legged beasts!
Stay webwise folks.

xx Gav.