BI-GOD (punctata)!
It's always great to get correspondence on Arachnipedia.
It's great to get a backstory too, but it gets web-spinningly better when there's a cool photo too to accompany it.
This week I received a particularly pleasing email from a guy called Paul.
Of course, I'm flattered and chuffed that Arachnipedia came up tops in a Google search for a spider.
But I'm genuinely more impressed by the fact that people are prepared to evaluate a situation when an unrecognised eight-legged beast appears on the scene, rather than immediately employing that reliable slug of rubber which lies between sole and concrete. A spider squished is a spider missed in my book!
Therididae - comb footed spiders.............
Therididae - comb footed spiders.............
I'm hoping the contributor is fine with being quoted, as verbatim in his email.
It's easier explained with the email!
Thanks to your website
I put our minds at ease by identifying this spider we found in our bathroom. It
says they like animal dwellings but we only have the one dog but I guess it's
kinda cold out there.
I was going to take it
to Quarantine at Heathrow as they identified the Australian house spider that
hitched a ride and found its way here but after typing in a “spider with
dimples” up came your website straight away and now the missus can sleep
I attached a photo of
the beaut if you’d like to use it. It’s a bit on the large side as I didn’t want
to go too low with the quality.
Kind Regards
And, yes, I'm definitely using the photo lol. Thanks for the image and email.